Ethics Commission

A photo of a book

We implement the Code of Ethics(PDF, 328KB) advising the UG on ethics policy and ensuring compliance with Code provisions through regular review of governmental activities. Meeting once a month in an open session. All UG elected officials, officials, and employees must attend a basic ethics education training session within ninety days of their affiliation and a continuing ethics training session every three years thereafter.

The Code of Ethics serves as the basic rules and ethical principles for the day-to-day operations of the UG. For more information, read the Political Memorandum(PDF, 132KB)

Primarily, the Ethics Commission focuses on the following areas:

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Employment Restrictions
  • Solicitation or acceptance of gifts
  • Gratuities and kickbacks
  • Prohibition against contingent fees
  • Confidential information
  • Prestige of office
  • Nepotism
  • Permitted and prohibited political activities
  • Whistleblowing / retaliation

The Ethics Code does not supersede other Unified Government policies such as the Procurement Code or Human Resource Policy. Additionally, the Ethics Commission does not have appellate authority over other Unified Government agencies. Complaints not covered under the Code of Ethics such as personnel issues, law enforcement actions or procurement of goods and services are referred to the appropriate agency.

Commission Meetings

The Ethics Commission is responsible for conducting meetings no less than semiannually and deliberating on ethical issues and rendering advisory opinions to the ethics administrator. The Unified Government Clerk’s Office posts proper notice of Ethics Commission meetings on the Agenda & Minutes web page.

Beginning 2025, meeting agendas and minutes will be posted to the Unified Government Clerk’s Office on the Agenda & Minutes web page.

Agenda & Minutes

Ethics Administrator

The Ethics Administrator is appointed by the Legislative Auditor of the unified government on the basis of a contract and functions on a part-time basis. The Ethics Administrator monitors the ethics hotline for complaints and suggestions. The Legislative Auditor delegates to the Ethics Administrator the authority to resolve minor ethical matters and questions. At the direction of the Ethics Commission, the Ethics Administrator may conduct all investigations of an alleged violation of the ethics code.

Ethics Commissioners

Members on the Ethics Commission for the Unified Government

The purpose of the Ethics Commission is to recommend ways to improve the Unified Government’s Ethics Code, to review and report on any and all violations of the Code of Ethics, to render advisory opinions on questions of ethics, conflicts of interest and the applicability of the Code of Ethics. The appointees are Wyandotte County residents who will serve a four-year term.

Ethics commissioners are selected to serve on the Ethics Commission for the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas by an Ad Hoc Ethics Commission Appointment Panel. The Ad Hoc Ethics Commission Appointment Panel is comprised of the Chief Judge of the Wyandotte County District Court; the District Attorney of Wyandotte County, and the Legislative Auditor of Wyandotte County. The Ethics Administrator of the Unified Government serves as staff to the Ethics Commission.

a photo of Ricky Bragg Rickey Bragg, UG Ethics Commission Chairperson holds a Doctor of Ministry with a concentration in ethics, a master’s degree in theology, and a master’s degree in divinity from the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mr. Bragg takes great interest in both civil and social issues concerning the community and has been a member of the KCK community since 2004. He currently serves as Senior Pastor at the Abundant Life Church in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. Bragg is excited to combine his passions for ethics and politics while working on the Commission for the betterment of Wyandotte County.

a photo of John J Bukaty JrIan Tomasic is a lifelong resident of Wyandotte County committed to serving its citizens. Mr. Tomasic was a former Assistant District Attorney for the Wyandotte County District Attorney’s Office and now serves as Assistant Chief Counsel for the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. His experience both working and living in Wyandotte County provides a well-rounded perspective on the Ethics Commission. Mr. Tomasic also serves on the Board of Directors for the SWEL, a non-profit aimed at addressing the issues of PTSD and helping promote the health and wellness of First Responders.

a profile picture of Adrianne E. Ford.Adrianne E. Ford earned a doctoral degree in philosophy from Saint Louis University, a master’s degree in business administration from Benedictine College, and a bachelor’s degree in human development from University of Saint Mary. Ms. Ford is an Associate Professor at the University of Saint Mary. She teaches Bible study to USM students and is currently a member of three Faculty Senate Committees—Faculty Development, Honors and Graduate Council. Ms. Ford is excited to combine her passion of evaluating and championing ethics while working on the Commission for the betterment of Wyandotte County.

a profile picture of Joseph I. WittmanJoseph I. Wittman is a resident of Wyandotte County since 2017, has been involved with ethics issues and education for the past 30+ years. He earned doctoral degree in law from Washburn University, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Kansas. Mr. Wittman is a practicing attorney as well as a judge pro tem in Topeka municipal court. Continued ethics training is a requirement of Mr. Wittman’s private law practice and believes his professional experience would make him an asset to the Unified Government Ethics Commission.

a profile picture of Paris ClarkParis Clark is a native of Wyandotte County, Ms. Clark is a proud graduate of Sumner Academy of Arts & Sciences and is dedicated to serving the community she has always called home. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Spanish (2014), as well as her Master of Arts in Counseling & Guidance at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (2018). Professionally, Ms. Clark is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and has worked in the mental health field for 6 years. In her community, Ms. Clark actively serves in ministry at the Mt Carmel Church of God in Christ in Kansas City, KS through leadership, teaching, and community outreach. Prior to her current role managing a youth outpatient therapy team, Ms. Clark has served as a Bilingual Child Therapist and Bilingual Case Manager. Additionally, Ms. Clark has served as a Teaching Assistant for the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools Early Childhood Program. She has provided special live and televised presentations on such topics as self-care and trauma to the general public and local church settings.

Inquires & Complaints

We welcome your questions, comments, and complaints relating to the ethical conduct of government.

Under the Code of Ethics(PDF, 328KB) the Ethics Administrator is responsible for responding to inquiries and complaints. Communications may seek an advisory opinion concerning conduct authorized by the Code of Ethics, ask questions related to the Ethics Program, or register complaints of ethics violations.

The Ethics Hotline (913) 621-3294 is a confidential answering service and is monitored regularly by the Ethics Administrator. Though anonymous, callers are urged to leave a name and telephone number for a return response to effectively investigate all reported matters. All communications will remain confidential, used only for official investigation purposes, and callers’ identities will only be revealed upon proper judicial authority.

Making Inquiries or Complaints:

Our Mission: Promoting public trust through a politically independent, unaffiliated, and non-partisan Ethics Commission and Ethics Administrator.

Department Head

Ricky Bragg
