Responsible for overseeing the preservation of the county’s heritage by recommending the designation of historic sites and districts.
Established by Sec. 27-100 et.seq and consists of eleven members, which are appointed by the UG Board of Commission. The members of the Commission shall be residents of Wyandotte County and shall be persons who have demonstrated special interest, knowledge, or experience in fields related to Historic Preservation.
If you are interested in becoming a Landmarks Commissioner, please email and include “City Landmarks Commissioner Application” in the subject line. Read more information about the roles and responsibilities of a Landmarks Commissioner(PDF, 96KB).
Construction within Historic District or Historic Landmark Any new construction or exterior renovations to properties within a Historic District or Historic Landmark, or within a buffer zone (environs) of either or both, is required to obtain approval from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) before the issuance of any residential or commercial building permits. Planning staff will make a review submittal to SHPO on behalf of the building permit applicant. There is a review time of up to thirty business days with SHPO in addition to the technical review time of construction drawings with the UG. Sign Permit Applications within a Historic District of Historic Landmark requires approval with Planning staff before the issuance of a sign permit. Allow five to seven business days for Planning staff review time.
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