
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Congress created the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program via the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (“the Act”). The main purpose of Title I of this Act is to encourage the growth of sustainable urban communities by offering adequate housing and a suitable living environment. This program also expands economic opportunities, particularly for individuals with low to moderate income.

Every year, Congress allocates funds to achieve the objectives of the Act. These funds are distributed to cities and states nationwide based on a specific formula. Cities that are entitled to these funds, like Kansas City, KS, get a yearly federal allocation to implement their locally-designed program strategy in accordance with the federal regulations that govern the CDBG program.

Each jurisdiction’s plan and strategies for using its CDBG allocation are described in its Consolidated Plan(PDF, 14MB). This master plan is submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for approval every five years. In addition to the Five-Year Plan, jurisdictions must also prepare and submit a One-Year Action Plan to receive their annual allocation of CDBG funds.

Public participation is crucial in creating the Consolidated Plan (Five-Year Plan) and Action Plan (One-Year Plan). Every jurisdiction must engage the public and consider their input when developing its plan for community development, Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and HOME programs. In Kansas City, KS, the plan-development process starts in early spring as part of the Unified Government's annual budget process and ends in early August with the adoption of the budget.

Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates funds to eligible state and local governments through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). These funds are only available to housing partner agencies like the Unified Government. HOME funds aim to expand the supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for households that fall at or below HUD's 80% income requirements.

The UG provides HOME funds to CHDO’s primarily for:

  • Rehabilitation and sale of vacant, CHDO or UG, owned single-family houses.
  • Build new homes.

A CHDO is a private, non-profit housing partner organized under state or local laws. They are tax-exempt and provide decent and affordable housing to low and moderate income individuals or families whose income is at or below 80% of the HUD Income Limits. A CHDO must meet government standards for financial management, demonstrate the capacity to carry out activities assisted with HOME funds, and have a history of serving the community where their HOME funds are spent. In addition, one-third of a CHDO's board of directors must consist of residents representing low to moderate-income neighborhoods.

A minimum of 15% of HOME funds allocated to UG are reserved for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) for housing development.

HUD Guidance for CHDO's

CHDO's Serving Kansas City, KS

Community Housing of Wyandotte County

Brennan Crawford, Executive Director
Two South 14th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102
(913) 342-7580

Mt. Carmel Redevelopment Corporation

Pam Smart
1220 Troup, Kansas City, KS 66102
(913) 621-4111

Home Repair Program


To eliminate blight in a target area of Kansas City, KS, by providing assistance to very low-income households with repairs that would pose a health and/or safety issue for the homeowner and the community.

Call our office to start the process.


Owner-occupied households; having income at or below 60% of HUD area median income guideline. The income limit is at or below 80% of the area median income for the Barrier Removal Program.

Target Area: City limits of Kansas City, KS (excludes Edwardsville, Bonner Springs)

Eligible Conditions

  • Roof (closed during fall/winter, check for availability)
  • Electrical
  • Furnace (not including central air)
  • Plumbing
  • Barrier Removal

Ancillary Work

Where required by Local, State, or Federal rules, or as required by utility companies to the effective functioning of the housing system being repaired, ancillary work items that would not constitute an emergency condition will be deemed eligible under the program. Such additional work may be included if, in the judgment of the Senior Rehab Specialist, it is necessary and appropriate by the International Property Maintenance Code of 2003.

Ineligible Properties

Trailer homes, townhomes, duplex and apartment houses, adjoined properties, rental property, and property where business is conducted. Houses in foreclosure or bankruptcy, houses with delinquent real estate taxes, and houses with code violations such as junk and debris, weed, junk cars, etc.


Grant Limits

The department is attempting to hold to an aggregate cost to assist as many households as possible. However, the Community Development Department will review the homeowner's needs and determine accordingly.

Limitations in Program Scope

Where multiple repairs are needed which, in the aggregate cost, would exceed the grant limits defined above, the Director of Community Development may approve such grants if and only if the cost of repairs does not exceed the market value of the property and the repairs to the property would significantly extend the useful life of the property.

2022 HUD Income Limits

(subject to change yearly) Updated - 6/15/2022

For families with more than eight members, add the above amount to the income of each additional member.

Family Size 60% Home Repair 80% Barrier
1 $43,320 $55,750
2 $49,500 $66,000
3 $55,680 $74,250
4 $61,860 $82,500
5 $66,840 $89,100
6 $71,760 $95,700
7 $76,740 $102,300
8 $81,660 $108,900

Contact Information

Julie Calderon, Technician
(913) 573-5113
Fax: (913) 573-5115

Homeless Services Assistance

See Homeless Services Assistance

Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)

NSP3 Federal Substantial Amendment(PDF, 1MB)

NSP Federal Quarterly Performance Reports


2022 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 72KB)
2022 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 72KB)


2021 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 72KB)
2021 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 72KB)
2021 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 72KB)
2021 December NSP3 QPR(PDF, 72KB)


2020 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2020 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2020 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)


2019 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2019 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2019 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2019 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)


2018 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2018 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2018 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)
2018 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 32KB)


2017 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2017 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 30KB)
2017 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2017 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)


2016 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2016 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2016 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2016 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)


2015 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 36KB)
2015 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 38KB)
2015 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 37KB)
2015 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 36KB)


2014 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 34KB)
2014 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 36KB)
2014 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 36KB)
2014 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 36KB)


2013 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 41KB)
2013 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 41KB)
2013 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 35KB)


2012 March NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2012 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)
2012 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 43KB)


2011 June NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 27KB)
2011 September NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 27KB)
2011 December NSP3 Federal QPR(PDF, 28KB)

Section 3 Program

The Community Development Department is required by federal guidelines to implement regulations established by The United States Housing and Urban Development Department – Section 3 Program.

This Program requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent possible, provide job training, employment, and contract opportunities for low or very low-income residents in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods. For more information, call 3-1-1.