Tax Sale List & General Information

Upcoming Tax Sale

The Chief Counsel of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas is required by Kansas Law to institute an action in the District Court against the owners and persons having or claiming to have an interest in real property that are tax sale eligible. Tax sale eligible properties are those that have delinquent taxes for at least three years for homestead properties, two years for commercial properties and one year for vacant and abandoned properties.

The action in the District Court, which takes the form of a petition, asks the District Court to determine the amount of delinquent taxes, charges, interest and penalties charged to each piece of property to be included in the sale, and that the court decree the amount due to be a first and prior lien upon the real estate and that the property be sold at a public sale to satisfy the lien.

The minimum bid for a property includes all delinquent taxes but not necessarily all taxes due on the property. The new owner is responsible for any current year taxes that are past due.

Tax Sale 355

Tax Sale 355 is scheduled for June 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM. This will be an online tax sale on CivicSource. Please see Bidder Information and Registration for more details. All bidders must be pre-registered by 8:00 AM on June 21, 2024, to participate.

Please note: We no longer print tax sale lists in the office.