Grant Programs

The UG works with three entities to obtain funding for brownfields assessment and cleanup. A property owner can apply for funding on their own, but in some cases the UG may apply on behalf of a property owner, Land Bank option holder, or developer who is currently in the development process. Please contact Brownfields Coordinator Alyssa Marcy at or 913-573-5755 to discuss potential application options.

Funding Sources

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 overs assessment funding through their Targeted Brownfields Assessment program. Individuals can apply to this program directly, or the UG can apply on your behalf.

The Kansas City Brownfields Initiative (KCBI) is a partnership of Kansas City, MO; the UG, and Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). This bi-state partnership offers assessment and cleanup funding through two streams: a competitive regional fund and a dedicated coalition fund. A percentage of all funding through the coalition source means that KCK applicants have access to a set-aside of funding each year. The competitive funding is also available, though not guaranteed. 

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) facilitates a brownfields assessment program that is open to all Kansans. This program receives pass-through funding from the EPA each year and will cover Phase I and Phase II ESAs. An individual can apply to KDHE's Brownfields Targeted Assessments program or the UG can apply on their behalf.