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Public Notices on Kansas Medicaid Amendments

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. See details below on the proposed state plan amendments, including the opportunity for public comment.

Notice, February 21, 2025: Targeted Case Management to incarcerated youth

Kansas is implementing the required coverage of Targeted Case Management (TCM) to incarcerated youth as described in section 5121 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA, 2023). Carceral Youth TCM Reimbursement Rate Methodology is included.

See the PDF below for more details on the proposed state plan amendment, including the opportunity for public comment. The last day for public comment is March 24, 2025.

KS-Medicaid-Notice-Feb-2025-TCM.pdf(PDF, 437KB)

Notice, March 14, 2025: Repair rates for maintenance of DMEPOS (durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies)

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Care Finance is amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. Repair rates for maintenance of DMEPOS (durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies) equipment will be increased to 80% of the Medicare fee schedule.

See the PDF below for more details on the proposed state plan amendment, including the opportunity for public comment. The last day for public comment is April 14, 2025.

KS-Medicaid-Notice_Mar-2025_DMEPOS.pdf(PDF, 169KB)

Notice, March 14, 2025: Physician services and reimbursement rates

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Care Finance is amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan to add the following physician services and reimbursement rates:

  1. Additional pelvic examination services for females; and
  2. Visit complexity services.

See the PDF below for more details on the proposed state plan amendment, including the opportunity for public comment. The last day for public comment is April 14, 2025.

About Us

The Wyandotte County Public Health Department works to promote good health for the vibrantly diverse community of nearly 170,000 Wyandotte County residents. We do this by:  

  • Providing an array of critical clinical, community, and environmental health services and programs. 

  • Monitoring health data and conducting robust assessments to identify community health priorities. This includes collecting the perspectives of community partners and stakeholders related to health.  

  • Supporting initiatives and partnerships to improve social determinants of health—things like poverty; racial disparities; unhealthy and unsafe physical environments; and inequitable access to quality education, healthcare, employment, and safe housing—which deeply impact the health and well-being of many Wyandotte County residents. 

We are an accredited health department through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). The PHAB national accreditation criteria are based on the 10 Essential Public Health Services and the Foundational Capabilities 

Annual Report

See our 2024 Annual Report:

Cover of the Wyandotte County Public Health Department Annual Report 2024(PDF, 3MB)


Our department is divided into several divisions, each focusing on different key public health services and programs. Learn more about our divisions below:

Clinical Services

Our Clinical Services Division provides an array of healthcare services, including low-cost or sliding scale services for people who are uninsured or underinsured. Service areas include:

  • Family Planning services, including well-woman exams; breast and cervical cancer screenings (Early Detection Works); Universal Home Visiting; pregnancy testing; reproductive planning and counseling; and birth control, including oral contraceptives and long-acting birth control options (IUDs, implants, Depo-Provera)
  • Immunizations, including childhood immunizations, travel vaccinations, and seasonal vaccines (flu and COVID)
  • Laboratory, including pregnancy testing, tuberculosis testing, and a variety of commonly requested direct access labs.
  • Limited Primary Care, including treatment for common conditions, pre-employment physicals, and sports and camp physicals.
  • Prenatal care and resources, including free prenatal classes using the March of Dimes Becoming a Mom® curriculum and low-cost prenatal care for uninsured women in Wyandotte County
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) counseling, testing and treatment; STI services also include HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), which is medicine to prevent HIV for people at high risk of contracting HIV
  • Billing, Forms and Medical Records
  • Tobacco treatment services to help people quit tobacco (coordinated by the Community Health Division, in collaboration with Clinical Services)
  • Free naloxone (Narcan) and fentanyl test strips (through a partnership between the Community Health Division and Clinical Services)

In addition to the clinical services provided at the health department, our Clinical Services team provides community outreach and education, referral to a variety of social and specialty healthcare services, medical records and billing services, insurance application services, and community systems and services improvement for maternal and child health provision.

Go to our Clinical Services landing page to learn more about the services we provide.

Contact Information

To make appointments for most services or for general questions, call our main number at (913) 573-8855.

Billing, Forms and Medical Records

(913) 573-6732

Childhood Immunizations

(913) 573-6725

Early Detection Works Program Enrollment

(913) 573-6763

Limited primary care

(913) 573-5131

Prenatal Care Collaborative

(913) 573 6774

Prenatal Classes (Becoming a Mom®) Registration

(913) 573-6713

Universal Home Visiting

(913) 573-6305

Community Health

Our Community Health Division focus areas include:

  • Community Health Improvement Plan: Providing backbone support to implement the CHIP, a plan to improve health across our county, created every 5 years based on health data and community input collected during a Community Health Assessment.
  • Health Equity Task Force (HETF): A collaboration between the community and WYCO PHD dedicated to improving health equity in Wyandotte County, Kansas.
  • Substance Use: Programs and resources include a Peer Support Program, free naloxone (NARCAN®), free fentanyl test strips, and connecting people to other Kansas City Metro Area resources.
  • Tobacco: Programs include treatment services to help people quit tobacco and stay quit and coordinating a Tobacco Free Wyandotte Action Team to reduce the burden of tobacco-related disease in our county
  • Violence Prevention: Initiatives to address community risk factors for violence and increase community protective factors against violence. See the Violence Prevention Dashboard to learn more.

Contact Information

Substance Use Peer Support Program

Call or text (913) 456-4225


Tobacco Treatment Services

(913) 703-6302


County Coroner

A coroner is responsible for investigating deaths to determine how someone died, in accordance with Kansas State Statute

Learn more about Kansas Coroner/Medical Examiner Laws

Contact Information

  • During Business Hours: Coroner’s Office Administrative Coordinator: (913) 573-5179 (business hours)
  • Report Deaths After Hours: Call Forensic Medical of Kansas at (913) 408-6950 (answered 24/7)

Emergency Preparedness and Response

The Emergency Preparedness and Response program champions our Health Department’s readiness and efforts to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from a variety of public health threats, such as infectious diseases, natural disasters, biological, chemical, nuclear, and radiological events. The work of our Emergency Preparedness and Response team includes:

  • Developing and maintaining public health emergency response plans and procedures including Community Disease Containment plans, Continuity of Operations Plan, Medical Countermeasures Distribution and Dispensing, and Public Health Emergency and Response plan.
  • Preparing and conducting a variety of training and exercise scenarios to help our department and community respond to and recover from public health threats
  • Obtaining and maintaining mitigation, response and recovery equipment needed for emergencies
  • Facilitating and coordinating Public Health Department responses for public health emergencies and incidents with community members and stakeholders
  • Completing after action reporting to identify areas for improvements while maintaining the identified strengths.

Our department’s Emergency Preparedness and Response program is part of and funded by the national Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program and Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI).

Contact Information

Environmental Health

The Environmental Health Division includes a variety of programs to monitor and address environmental conditions that can impact public health. Our Environmental Health programs work to improve the quality of life of our residents through education, inspection and the enforcement of environmental health laws and regulations in Wyandotte County. Our Environmental Health Division program areas include:

  • Air Quality: Our local air quality program works to provide a cleaner, healthier environment for the residents of Wyandotte County. We regularly inspect facilities operating under air permits to ensure that they abide by local, state, and federal air quality laws. We also monitor the ambient air quality of Wyandotte County at our local monitoring site, allowing for informed decisions on relevant environmental programs and keeping the public informed of the contents of the air we breathe.
  • Child Care Licensing: The Child Care Licensing (CCL) Program works with all child care providers in Wyandotte County. The CCL team completes child care-related inspections, offers KDHE-approved trainings for child care providers, presents orientation meetings for new providers, and provides resources for licensed providers.
  • Environmental Inspections (including pool inspections and septic inspections): Responsible for annual inspections of aquatic facilities (pools, spas, spray parks) and septic systems. Issues permits for: septic systems, septic installer licensing, and aquatic facilities.
  • Lead Hazard Control Program (including the kNOw Lead KCK program): Provides services to prevent lead poisoning and other home health hazards. The kNOw Lead KCK program assists residents with lead-based paint stabilization for households that qualify. Certified lead inspectors identify lead hazards and make recommendations, and qualified lead paint abatement contractors perform the remediation.

Contact Information

Air Quality

Environmental Inspections and Permits

(Pools and Septic)

Lead Hazard Control Program (kNOw Lead KCK)



Our Epidemiology team Collects, analyzes and interprets data about our community’s health and works to stop the spread of diseases in the county. The Epidemiology Division’s work includes:
  • Communicable Disease Control (Infectious Disease Epidemiology): monitors infectious disease data, investigates reports* of communicable diseases in Wyandotte County, investigates potential outbreaks of disease, and works to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Social Epidemiology: collects and analyzes data relating to non-infectious diseases and social determinants of health.
  • Informatics and Hot Spot Mapping: Collects and analyzes health-related data including population-level data and data gathered from the health department’s EMR system.

*Healthcare Providers: Go to the Disease Reporting page to learn more about how to report conditions from the Kansas Notifiable Diseases list.

Contact Information


Disease Reporting for Kansas Notifiable Diseases  Wyandotte County:
  • WYCO PHD Disease Reporting Phone Number:(913) 573-6712
  • WYCO PHD Disease Reporting Fax Number: (913) 573-6744
  • Wyandotte County Communicable Disease Control After-Hours Emergency Hotline:(913) 573-8877

    Kansas Department of Health and Environment:

  • KDHE Epidemiology Hotline: 877-427-7317 (Answered 24/7)
KDHE Fax: 877-427-7318


Fiscal Management

Our Fiscal Management team work on a variety of tasks to support our operations, including:

  • Fiscal Management (including grants)
  • Timekeeping
  • Managing supplies
  • Liaison with Buildings & Logistics


Strategic Operations and Communications

The Strategic Operations and Communications Division supports the health department operations as a whole through: 

  • Accreditation: Coordinated our initial accreditation and facilitates efforts to maintain our accreditation status through the Public Health Accreditation Board 
  • AmeriCorps: Supervises, manages, and facilitates the placement of 10-15 AmeriCorps members per year throughout Unified Government departments and community partners
  • Communications: Works to promote and support the department’s communication efforts through multiple channels, such as press releases, social media, etc. 
  • Performance Management and Quality ImprovementFacilitates standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the
    WyCo PHD and creation/oversight of the Workforce Development Plan.
  • Strategic Planning: Reinforces and aligns goals and activities of the WyCo PHD with the evidence-based practice of accrediting bodies in the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan(PDF, 1022KB) 


Contact Information

For media inquiries, contact the Public Information Officer, Janell Friesen:


WIC/EIP (Women, Infants and Children and Early Intervention and Prevention)

The WIC/EIP Division focuses on nutrition education, breastfeeding support, education on child development, and aims to improve birth outcomes and supports pregnant teens.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

The Wyandotte County WIC program protects the health of low-income women who are pregnant or breastfeeding for up to one year or recently delivered up to six months, infants, and children under age five by providing:

  • Nutritious foods at local grocery stores
  • Breastfeeding support, including breastfeeding peer counseling
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Referrals to other health sources and social services


Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP)

Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP) programs include: 

  • Healthy Families Wyandotte (HFW) – Intensive Home Visiting program for pregnant moms. Caseworkers work with the moms until their child turns 3 years old. The program focuses on child development, breastfeeding support, and birth outcomes.
  • Youth Empowerment Services (Y.E.S.) – Free case management for pregnant and parenting teens and young adults. Eligibility for the Y.E.S. program: 1) age 21 or younger, 2) on Kansas Medicaid, 3) live in Wyandotte County, and 4) pregnant OR have a child under 12 months old.


Contact Information

Healthy Families Wyandotte

(913) 573-8886

Teen Pregnancy Case Management (Youth Empowerment Services)

(913) 573-6734


(913) 573-6720


Contact Us

Contact Information

To make appointments for most services or for general questions, call our main number at (913) 573-8855, or email us at

Air Quality

Billing, Forms and Medical Records

(913) 573-6732

Car Seat Service

(913) 573-6305

Childhood Immunizations

(913) 573-6725


  • During Business Hours: Coroner’s Office Administrative Coordinator: (913) 573-5179 (business hours)
  • Report Deaths After Hours: Call Forensic Medical of Kansas at (913) 408-6950 (answered 24/7)

Director’s Office

(913) 573-6704

Disease Reporting for Kansas Notifiable Diseases

Wyandotte County:

  • WYCO PHD Disease Reporting Phone Number:(913) 573-6712
  • WYCO PHD Disease Reporting Fax Number: (913) 573-6744
  • Wyandotte County Communicable Disease Control After-Hours Emergency Hotline:(913) 573-8877

Kansas Department of Health and Environment:

  • KDHE Epidemiology Hotline: 877-427-7317 (Answered 24/7)
  • KDHE Fax: 877-427-7318

Early Detection Works Program Enrollment

(913) 573-6763

Emergency Preparedness

Environmental Inspections and Permits


Happy Bottoms

(913) 573-6734

Healthy Families Wyandotte

(913) 573-8886

Lead Hazard Control Program (kNOw Lead KCK)

Limited primary care

(913) 573-5131

Media Inquiries

Janell Friesen, Public Information Officer:

Pool Inspections and Permits

Prenatal Care Collaborative

(913) 573 6774

Prenatal Classes (Becoming a Mom®) Registration

(913) 573-6713

Septic Inspections and Permits

Substance Use Peer Support Program

Call or text either of the phone numbers below:

Teen Pregnancy Case Management (Youth Empowerment Services)

(913) 573-6734

Tobacco Treatment Services

(913) 703-6302

Universal Home Visiting

(913) 573-6305


(913) 573-6720


Our main location is at 6th and Ann in downtown KCK:
619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS 66101





See an A-Z list of our program and service pages

Department Head

2023 Terrie Garrison 2.jpg

Terrie Garrison, R.N., B.S.N.

Interim Director