Open Burning

AQ burning

Open Burning

Current open burning information can be found on the Fire Department portal for Residential Open Burn Permits and application opens 3 days prior to open burn season.

Outdoor and ambient air quality complaints will be investigated by air quality staff. Contact us by phone (913) 573-6700 or

Open burning is the burning of any matter so that products of combustion from the burning are emitted directly into the ambient (outside) air. Generally, anytime you light a fire outdoors, you are open burning. Kansas City, KS, allows for limited residential open burning. For alternative burn permits contact us at

Residential Open Burning Information

Residents are allowed (2) periods during the year to conduct residential open burning in KCK. Residents must apply for a burn permit at any KCK Fire Station. Burning in burn barrels is prohibited, except during the residential burn seasons.

The Residential Open Burn permit is valid for (3) consecutive days during:

  • The month of April
  • October 16th - November 15th, from 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Few exceptions exist outside the (2) specified residential open burning months.

Do's & Don'ts of Permitted Open Burning

Exceptions to Open Burn season:

Step 1
Determine if you are eligible for a burning permit. Do you qualify under one of the categories KCK regulations say a burn permit may be issued?

  • Agricultural operations related to the growing or harvesting of crops.
  • Special purpose recreational and ceremonial fires (typically bonfires)
  • Fire Safety Training
  • Extraordinary Circumstances
Step 2

If your proposed burning qualifies under one of the above eligibility requirements, apply for an open burning permit.

How to Apply:


Complete the open burning permit application. Clarification of questions in the open burning permit application:

  1. Date & Time: When the proposed burn is to take place.

  2. Quantity of Waste: The approximate size (ft) of the pile of debris to be burned (example: one pile of agricultural waste is 10 ft. long x 5 ft. wide x 3 ft. high).  

Step 3
Upon reception of a completed open burning permit application, a representative from the Fire Department will visit the proposed burn site to verify that the information stated on the application is valid and eligible. 

Step 4
You will receive notification from an Air Quality representative by telephone, fax, or letter informing you of the status of your application. Please allow two weeks or more to inspect the proposed burn site and get approval from Air Quality and Fire Prevention. 

Step 5
An authorized permit can be obtained in by mail as described in Step 2.

Alternatives to Residential Burning

The burning of residential yard waste can be hazardous to your health of you and your neighbors. Use available alternatives to residential burning.

Weekly Curbside Trash Pickup

Waste management will pick up your yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, etc.), tree limbs and loose lumber. Call (913) 631-3300 for details.

All waste must be:

  • Bagged or bundled in 4 ft lengths
  • Weigh no more than 75 pounds
  • Must be curbside by 7:00 AM