Child Care Licensing

Child Care Licensing icon with images of colorful handprints

The Child Care Licensing Program works with all childcare providers in Wyandotte County. According to Kansas Child Care Licensing Law, anyone providing out-of-home care for children birth to (16) years other than those related by blood, marriage, or adoption must be licensed with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE).

Licensing specialists complete all child care inspections including initial, annual and complaint investigations. The Child Care Licensing program also offers KDHE-approved trainings for child care providers, presents orientation meetings for new providers, and offers consultation appointments to those interested in opening a new child care program. 


Step 1.Orientation Information

All persons interested in becoming licensed and opening a childcare facility must attend an orientation session.

  • Orientations for In-Home Facilities: the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM at the Health Department 619 Ann Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101.

  • Orientations for a Center, Preschool, or School-age Program: Scheduled by appointment only.

Step 2.Sign Up for Orientation

Call (913) 573-6702 to register for orientation class or to schedule an appointment for a center, preschool, or school-age program orientation. For more information, visit


Eligibility Requirements

To become a licensed child care provider and open a child care facility in Wyandotte County, you must meet all the eligibility criteria below:

  • Wyandotte County resident
  • At least 18 years of age
  • High school graduate or GED holder


Orientation Fee

  • $10 (cash) per person fee for an in-home childcare facility orientation
  • $25 (per facility) fee for a center, preschool, or school-age program orientation
Kansas State Statute related to childcare facilities:

Kansas State Statute (K.S.A.) Chapter 65 (Public Health), Article V (Maternity Centers and Child Care Facilities)

See Section 65-516 for, "Restrictions on persons maintaining or residing, working or volunteering at child care facility; exceptions; criminal history check by secretary of health and environment; information to be provided sponsoring child placement agency; child care criminal background and fingerprinting fund."