There is a nominal fee charged for most personal health services. Some fees are based on a slide fee scale, others have a set fee, and some are at no cost. Kansas Medicaid (KanCare) is accepted. Call (913) 573-6732 for more information.
Payment is required at the time services are rendered. For Self-Pay clients, charges are calculated using a sliding fee scale based on available household income. In some instances, patients may be billed. The sliding fee schedule is revised annually when revisions to the poverty guidelines are received from the Department of Health and Human Services. We accept state-funded health insurance and private insurance.
Services Provided: Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Our Medical Records Department manages and stores all client medical records. The department adheres to HIPAA policies and procedures. Release of medical information will require the client’s signed Medical Records Release form.
Medical Records Release Form in English(DOC, 43KB)
Medical Records Release Form in Spanish(DOC, 46KB)
HIPAA Compliance & Medical Records Legal Citation: The health department must be in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
Our Registration Clerks prepare paperwork for all clients that seek services at the Health Department. The Clerks also check government insurance eligibility at the time of each visit and inform clients of possible funding programs that could pay for services for clients without insurance.
Patient Registration Form in English & Spanish(DOC, 48KB)
Financial Policy in English & Spanish(DOCX, 44KB)
HIPAA Policy in English & Spanish(PDF, 34KB)
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Call 1 (800) 318-2596, (24) hours a day, (7) days a week. TTY users: 1 (855) 889-4325
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