Prenatal Health Services and Classes

Prenatal health icon with an illustration of a pregnant woman and a healthcare

The Wyandotte County Public Health Department offers multiple services specifically for people who are pregnant, including:

  • Prenatal Care Collaborative: Low-cost prenatal health care for pregnant women in Wyandotte County who do not qualify for Medicaid or other health insurance. The Prenatal Care Collaborative is a partnership between the Health Department and The University of Kansas Health System.
  • Prenatal Classes: Free prenatal education classes for pregnant people and families in Wyandotte County. Classes use the March of Dimes Becoming a Mom® curriculum.

We also connect patients to other services and resources they may need at the Health Department and other community locations.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care Collaborative 

The Prenatal Care Collaborative is a partnership between the Wyandotte County Public Health Department and The University of Kansas Health System.

The Health Department provides:

  • Case management by a Registered Nurse
  • Routine prenatal laboratory testing during your pregnancy
  • Prenatal education, including prenatal classes
  • Medical screenings to help prevent health problems for both mother and baby
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Referrals to other services, such as WIC

The University of Kansas Health System provides: Prenatal care visits with a Doctor throughout your pregnancy

Step 1.Eligibility

This program is for people who are pregnant, live in Wyandotte County, are uninsured and do not qualify for Medicaid or other health insurance.

Step 2.How to sign up

Make an appointment at the Wyandotte County Public Health Department by calling (913) 573-8855.

Bring documents to your appointment to verify eligibility:

  • Bring verification of Wyandotte County residency (a letter or bill, within the last 30 days, with your name and address on it).
  • Bring income verification.
  • If you are a citizen, you need to provide a denial letter from the Kansas Medicaid Program.

Step 3.Fees

The total cost is $725.00. The cost is paid in smaller amounts throughout your pregnancy. Breakdown of costs:

  • $65.00 for Health Department Visit 1: Includes a complete medical history and screenings; routine prenatal laboratory testing; prenatal vitamins; appropriate radiology testing; prenatal education; and formal referrals to WIC, social services and an appointment with the patient's prenatal provider.
  • $20.00 for Health Department PCC Visit 2: Prenatal education and laboratory testing
  • $10.00 for Health Department PCC Visit 3: Prenatal education and laboratory testing
  • $20.00 for Health Department PCC Visit 4: Prenatal education and laboratory testing
  • $610.00 (or five payments of $122.00) for prenatal care visits with a doctor at The University of Kansas Health System


Update October 2024: Due to recent staffing constraints, the Prenatal Classes are temporarily on hold. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please note that patients can still access other Prenatal Care Collaborative services and Family Planning services.

Prenatal Classes (Becoming a Mom®)

Being pregnant and having a new baby is a beautiful experience! Each pregnancy is different and can create new challenges and concerns. The more you learn, the better you will be able to care for yourself and your baby. Free prenatal education classes are available to all pregnant women and supporting families in Wyandotte County. Registered Nurses and other professional healthcare providers teach classes.

Group education sessions assist you to:

  • Interact with other pregnant women.
  • Share your experiences and concerns.
  • Learn more about common pregnancy experiences.
  • Learn more about labor and delivery.
  • Learn how to be successful with breastfeeding.
  • Learn how to calm your baby. 

Our Prenatal Classes use the March of Dimes Becoming a Mom® curriculum.


More Resources

Other Related Health Department Services:

  • Pregnancy Testing available through our Laboratory
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Testing and Treatment - Syphilis rates have increased in the United States and locally, including cases of congenital syphilis (syphilis passed to babies during pregnancy). Anyone who is pregnant should be tested for syphilis at their first prenatal care visit and again in the third trimester to protect the health of both the mother and the baby.
  • Family Planning - well-woman exams, preconception visits, and birth control options, including long-acting birth control; our Family Planning clinic also offers Universal Home Visiting, which includes one or multiple visits to provide education, referrals, and help accessing services and resources for mothers, pregnant women and infants up to 12 months old.
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC) - nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition counseling, and referrals to other services. Available for low-income women who are pregnant or breastfeeding for up to one year or recently delivered up to six months, infants, and children under age five who qualify.
  • Healthy Families Wyandotte - Intensive home visiting program for pregnant moms who qualify. Caseworkers work with the moms until their child turns 3 years old. The program focuses on child development, breastfeeding support, and birth outcomes.
  • Youth Empowerment Services (YES) - Case management for pregnant and parenting teens and young adults who qualify
  • Immunizations - pregnant patients can get their Tdap vaccine and their seasonal flu and COVID vaccines; childhood immunizations are available through the Vaccines for Children program for those who qualify
  • Happy Bottoms - WYCO PHD is a partner agency that passes out free diapers once a month to eligible Wyandotte County residents. Recipients must be enrolled in the program. Who qualifies: Anyone who receives TANF, SNAP/food stamps, WIC, Medicaid, SSI.
  • Car Seat Services - Families in Wyandotte County can get a car seat and installation demonstration, installation check and education. $20 suggested donation.