The Department of Technical Services (DOTS) provides technical architecture and support services across the Unified Government. DOTS manages the core technology infrastructure for the UG, including the UG network, phone service, UG data center, and desktop applications, and provides support for department’s major business systems. DOTS supports organizational initiatives to leverage open data and innovation to support data-driven decision-making. DOTS Desktop support division provides on-call support for departments and maintains high customer service and satisfaction. DOTS creates and maintains an environment conducive to innovative and continuous process improvement through technology and collaboration.
Important Issues
- Continue supporting and integrating DOTS with the KCKPD and Fire Departments, sharing technology and human resources to support the mission objectives of PD and FD.
- Implementing the UG fiber network will provide significant new capabilities across the UG, and DOTS will be working closely on the support and maintenance needs of the network.
- Maintain current levels of funded FTEs for operations while continuing to innovate and modernize the technical architecture.
- Conduct government-wide storage and security assessments.
- DOTS has begun moving IT workloads into the Cloud and working with departments to identify cloud-based solutions that provide enhanced security, flexibility, and data integration, reducing the UG FTE hours required to support applications and infrastructure.
- DOTS provides shared personnel to the KCKPD to augment PD IT staff.
- Migrated web security to the cloud, reducing on-premises footprint and freeing FTE hours.
- Successfully connected the UG Wellness Center via fiber to the Unified Government Network and Voice over IP Telephone System.
- Successfully negotiated leased line contract with AT&T saving approximately $90k annually.
- Enabled secure encrypted email and content filtering, preventing privacy data leakage.
- Worked with Emergency Management to upgrade their backup power supplies with no data center shutdown.
New Initiatives
- Migrating all users to the Office 365 Productivity Suite in the Cloud – improving security, flexibility, and reducing the hours required to manage the Office applications across UG.
- Implementing Skype for Business instant messaging.
- Rolling out new-shared Help Desk ticketing system for KCKPD, KCKFD, and the UG.
- Upgrading UG Cisco Voice-over-IP Telephone System provides more reliable telephony services and paves the way for a new next-generation telephone and conferencing system.
- Provide technical guidance and maintenance for the UG fiber project.
- Assist the Performance and Innovation Division.
Our Mission
To create, foster, and maintain an open, inclusive environment, providing first-class customer service and technology to Unified Government departments.