Business License

Business License


  • Enforcement of various Unified Government licensing & taxing ordinances.
  • Billing, collection, and processing of fees prescribed by these ordinances.

Although the name would indicate that business licenses are the primary function, the reality is that processing licenses only accounts for 20% of division efforts while the collection and processing of annual Occupation Taxes represents the majority of the duties.

Operating a business or performing a service in the city requires an Occupation Tax License. Occupation Tax Licenses are issued by the Business License Division. In most cases, the licensing year begins on January 1st and end on December 31st.

Some activities do require a regulatory license or permit: in addition to the occupation tax.

Our processes are fairly quick, simple, and straightforward. While there may be approval steps required in the process, they are neither complex nor cumbersome and our staff is available for any assistance that might be needed. A business can usually accomplish our process on their own with little difficulty and there is no need to pay a third-party company for forms and assistance that we provide at no cost.

Staff is available for questions, guidance, and assistance. Do not hesitate to contact us at (913) 573-8780.

Business Licensing Information

Business Entity Types & Activities

No Prior Business Record in KCK

If your business is in Kansas City, KS, you must complete a zoning application.

All businesses physically located in KCK must register annually and pay an occupation tax as long as the business exists unless specifically exempted by ordinance.

For business being conducted from a commercial location

  1. You will need to submit a Commercial Zoning Memorandum(PDF, 186KB).
  2. Once you receive zoning approval, you will need to contact our Building Inspection team at (913) 573-8620 to schedule your zoning inspection.
  3. Once you complete your zoning inspection, you will fill out the Occupation Tax Application(PDF, 159KB)
  4. Submit your application to or dropped off in person or mailed to our office at 4953 State Ave Kansas City, KS 66102.

For business being conducted from a residence

  1. You will need to submit a Home Occupied Zoning Memorandum(PDF, 172KB).
  2. Once your zoning is approved, you will fill out the Home Business Occupation Tax Application(PDF, 160KB)
  3. Submit your application to or dropped off in person or mailed to our office at 4953 State Ave Kansas City, KS 66102.

Businesses not located in, but engaged in business activities in KCK

Businesses not located in, but engaged in business activities in KCK, must register and pay an occupation tax for work being conducted in the city unless specifically exempted by ordinance.

Please submit your Occupation Tax Application(PDF, 159KB) to our office via email at or in person or by mail at 4953 State Ave Kansas City, KS 66102.

Construction and Special Trade contractors

All businesses physically located in KCK must register annually and pay an occupation tax as long as the business exists unless specifically exempted by ordinance.

For business being conducted from a Commercial Location

  1. You will need to fill out a Commercial Zoning Memorandum(PDF, 186KB).
  2. Once you receive zoning approval, contact our Building Inspection team at (913) 573-8620 to schedule your zoning inspection.
  3. Once you successfully pass your zoning inspection, you will fill out the Occupation Tax Application(PDF, 159KB)
  4. Submit your application to or dropped off in person or mailed to our office at 4953 State Ave Kansas City, KS 66102.

For business being conducted from a Residence

  1. You will need to submit a Home Occupied Zoning Application(PDF, 16KB)
  2. Once you receive your zoning approval, you will fill out the Home Business Occupation Tax Application(PDF, 160KB)
  3. Submit your application to or dropped off in person or mailed to our office at 4953 State Ave Kansas City, KS 66102.

Businesses not located in, but engaged in business activities in KCK, must register and pay an Occupation Tax for work being conducted in the city, unless specifically exempted by ordinance.

Please submit your Occupation Tax Applicaiton(PDF, 159KB) to or in person or by mail at 4953 State Ave Kansas City, KS 66102.

Additional Requirements

The following special trade contractors must submit a $5000 surety bond. Use our fact sheets below if you don't have a surety bond through your insurance company. Please ensure you have submitted a signed face sheet along with the power of attorney page to as this will be needed to pull permits with Building Inspection.

Required Inspections & Approvals

Planning & Zoning

For all businesses physically located in Kansas City, KS, whether at commercial or residential property, the first step is always planning and zoning approval. Submitted through our office, planning and zoning will determine that the business activity is appropriate and within the permitted uses for that district zoning. For those who operate a business from home, there are restrictions on the type of activities that would be allowed and standards by which a business would need to operate. These restrictions are intended to help preserve and maintain property values. (I should not be allowed carte blanche to engage in an activity at my home that would negatively affect my neighbor’s property value). You can reach our Planning and Urban Design Department at (913) 573-5750 or

Building Inspection

Building Inspection will conduct on-site inspection for all businesses physically located at commercial locations. This is a basic life-safety inspection to determine the location is safe for owners, employees, customers, vendors, etc. to enter and occupy. Building inspection can usually be scheduled next business day after planning and zoning has approved the business activity. All utilities do need to be connected and on for this inspection to take place. Our Building Inspection team can be reached at (913) 573-8620 or

Fire Inspection

While annual fire inspections do occur across all businesses, some activities require fire inspection & approval prior to the business opening. These are fire safety inspections usually relating to egress or fire suppression. (examples are restaurants with open grills or deep fryers, daycares, salvage yards, welding operations) This inspection is scheduled directly with the fire inspector’s office. All fireworks activity is subject to fire inspection approval. Fire inspections can be scheduled with the Fire Marshal's office at (913) 573-5550.

Health Inspection

Some business activities (mostly related to lodging, food and consumables) require health inspection & approval prior to the business opening. All health inspections are conducted through the State of Kansas Department of Agriculture. Those inspections would be scheduled directly with the inspecting authority at (785) 564-6700.

Police Department

Regulatory licenses that require background check and approval are submitted through our office (examples are establishments serving alcohol, massage establishments, security companies). We forward the application to the police department for background checks and police chief approval. After approval the license would be issued.

Annually Regulated Licenses & Permits

See Licenses

Temporary Licenses & Permits

See Licenses