Sewer Separation Project CSO 44

  • Project typeCombined Sewer Separation
  • Project value$5,700,000
  • Project scheduleSpring 2024 to Spring 2025
  • Contractor nameAmino Brothers Co., Inc.
  • Completion DateApril 30, 2025
Photograph of a sanitary sewer manhole cover

Beginning Summer 2024, residents within the neighborhoods around Eighth Street Park will see construction begin on a sewer separation project. This project is part of a broader initiative mandated by the Unified Government’s Consent Decree with the U.S Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice. This decree, part of compliance with the Clean Water Act of 1972, aims to mitigate sewer overflows into local waterways, including Jersey Creek, by separating combined sewer systems.

This project – Combined Sewer Overflow 44 (CSO 44) Sewer Separation & Green Infrastructure Project – is one of fourteen planned separation projects that will improve water quality, reduce overflows, and protect the community and environment.

Scheduled for completion in Spring 2025, the project will include the installation of new storm sewer lines and construction of a vegetated wet pond within Eighth Street Park. These improvements will:

  • Decrease sewer overflows and backups that can lead to health risks and environmental issues.
  • Capture excess stormwater runoff which causes flooding issues further downstream in the Splitlog Creek watershed.
  • Improve the quality of stormwater runoff by treating it within the wet pond, which is a green infrastructure facility.

The Public Works Department is eager to oversee this crucial infrastructure upgrade, which not only fulfills the requirements of the Clean Water Act but also enhances the sustainability and reliability of the community's sewer system. For those interested in contributing to this vital community service, consider a career with the Public Works Department. More information is available at Public Works Careers.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What areas will be impacted?

Construction will occur in the approximate area bounded by North 8th Street on the east, North 9th Street on the west, Minnesota Avenue on the north, and Barnett Avenue on the south. The scope of work involves installing roughly 2,400 feet of new storm sewer piping, new manholes, and 12 curb inlets for street runoff, alongside an advanced vault stormwater treatment system to remove trash and clean the separated stormwater before it discharges into a vegetated stormwater basin. The work also includes approximately 300 feet of new sanitary sewer piping and manholes.

How much will the project cost and how is it being funded?

This phase of the CSO 44 sewer separation project will cost about $5.7 million and is funded through sewer user fees and General Obligation bonds.

When does construction begin and end?

The CSO 44 sewer separation project bids were opened on May 15, 2024, with construction anticipated to start in June 2024 and final completion by April 30, 2025.

Will there be road closures during construction?

Yes, as traffic control plans for road and lane closures are received by the contractor, anticipated traffic impacts and schedules will be posted here. Over the course of CSO 44 construction, lane and road closures are anticipated within the area shown in orange:

A map highlighting the rough construction area for the Combined Sewer Overflow 44 project

What is Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure refers to a range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate or evaporate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters. Green infrastructure provides habitat, flood protection, cleaner air, and cleaner water along with economic, environmental, health, and social benefits.

Who is the Project Contractor?

Amino Brothers Co., Inc. is the construction general contractor.


813 Ann Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101  View Map

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