
Administrative Office

The Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Office is a full-service law enforcement agency comprising the Administrative Office and three Divisions. It is responsible for transporting prisoners to appear before a judge or stand trial for crimes committed against the state or fellow man.

The Administrative Office provides general administrative support to the Sheriff’s Office including recruiting and hiring, background investigations, payroll, purchasing, internal investigations, automation, and budget related functions.

It also provides technical support for Sheriff’s summons, domestic violence, and warrant components and various day-to-day administrative operations. 


Adult Detention Center

The Adult Detention Center seeks to provide a safe, secure, and humane environment for correctional staff, deputies, visitors, and persons lawfully incarcerated by the criminal justice system. Staff is also responsible for prisoner transportation, extradition, and court security. Call (913) 573-2865 for more information.


  • Maintain a climate cognizant of detainee welfare in the facility, including social, emotional, and physical needs.

  • Maintain standards with the operation mandates advocated by Federal, State, and local existing laws and correctional standards.

  • Provide consistent and fair treatment of staff and detainees.

  • Ensure that personnel are prepared and capable of taking responsible action during emergencies.

  • Provide a systematic and operational approach for managing staff and detainees without violating individual rights or breaching the facility's security.

Inmate Programs Offered

  • Chaplain services
  • Bible study
  • KA Lite (Khan Academy) educational classes

Juvenile Detention Center

By the Juvenile Code of the State of Kansas, Wyandotte County operates a functional detention center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide a temporary secure facility for youth who are under the jurisdiction of the Court and whose alleged behavior or circumstances constitute a danger to themselves or the community. They are detained pending action of the Court.

Our Mission

  • Provide short-term care and secure custody to juveniles who are accused of or adjudicated pending court action or awaiting transfer to another facility.

  • Provide for the juveniles’ basic needs, such as shelter, food, clothing, medical care, and basic hygiene.

  • Prevent the abridgment of the juveniles’ legal rights during their detainment at the Detention Center.

  • House assigned juveniles in a safe, human environment, maintaining the level of security necessary to prevent escape and assure that the juveniles are free of fear from assault or intimidation by staff or other juveniles.

Juvenile detention may provide a child in trouble with the first realization that there are serious consequences to his or her behavior. The Juvenile Detention Center may, by law, assume temporary custody of a child during a crisis in his or her life. Decisions to place a child in detention are made by either a law enforcement officer or the court for the purpose of protecting society, protecting the child, or both.

This brief experience with detention staff may determine a child’s future attitudes toward society and authority. In short, the detention process can affect a juvenile’s propensity for crime. Obviously, there are tremendous benefits to be gained by making the detention experience positive.

During the period of detention, the detention staff, and the court services officer (CSO), working together, assist and support your child in adapting to the detention experience. Youth are encouraged to exercise self-control and accept responsibility for their actions while at the Juvenile Detention Center.

Detention is not considered a punishment by some youths detained at the center. It temporarily restricts a youth’s movements and independent decision-making. If your child feels that this restriction is a punishment, then it is, as far as he or she is concerned. It is not punishment if he or she accepts detention to relieve the pressures of family, school, and community living.

Juvenile detention is not solely the problem of the police and the Juvenile Court. As a parent, it is also your problem. The purpose of the detention staff and the CSO is to help you and your child rather than to assume your responsibilities. Your cooperation is essential.

Juvenile Detention Center staff are trained professionals employed for the safety and security of your child. All procedures are designed in the best interest of the child.

Contact Information

Terri Broadus, Administrator
(913) 573-2900


Volunteer Information

Make a difference in someone's life! Volunteer at our Detention Center. Call (913) 573-2830 for more information.

Operations, Investigations, Judicial

The Operations Division serves the citizens of Wyandotte County by providing law enforcement, civil process, and inmate transport services. The division is composed of the following:

Civil Process

This unit is assigned four deputies and enforces orders issued by the various courts by serving process, executing judgments, and making returns on the orders.

Court Transport

This unit is assigned seven deputies and transports inmates to and from court hearings, maintains courtroom security and accepts custody of individuals on order of the court.

Criminal Warrants

This unit is assigned three deputies and locates and arrests individuals on criminal and civil warrants and transports them to the detention facility for processing.

Delinquent Taxes

This is assigned one deputy and unit collects taxes due by contacting the defendants, serving orders of the court and collecting the monies owed and delivering it to the county treasurer.


This unit restores real property to the possession of the owner by service of, and enforcement of orders issued by the courts.

Facility Transport-Adult

This unit is assigned two deputies and transports inmates from local and state facilities to Wyandotte County, and transports sentenced inmates from Wyandotte County to state correctional facilities.


This unit provides the Sheriff’s Office with thorough, consistent and fair investigations on internal and external matters originating in the Adult and Juvenile Detention Centers, as well as those investigations originating from the Field Services Division.

Park Law Enforcement

This unit is assigned seven deputies and is responsible for enforcing state laws and local ordinances within the Wyandotte County Park system.

Probate Services

This unit is assigned one deputy that serves the Probate Court by transporting individuals whom the court has reason to believe are at risk to themselves and/or others. The patients are located and transported to medical facilities throughout the state and brought to the court on order of the court.

Tag Enforcement

This unit is assigned two deputies and enforces the regulations governing vehicle registration by answering citizen complaints, making random road checks, and scheduled tag enforcement checkpoints for proper licensing, registration, and financial security requirements. The enforcement of these laws helps to ensure payment of personal property tax.

Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT)

The Sheriff’s Office manages the incarceration of adult and juvenile offenders in the local county detention centers and provide for their safety therein. Therefore, in the event of offender unrest/criminal activity occurring within the detention facilities, the Sheriff’s Office has historically maintained a specialized unit of officers trained to provide strategic intervention. This specialized unit of officers is in the process of evolving into the Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team.

Specifically, the Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT) is designed to provide specialized public safety services to local courts, corrections and law enforcement agencies, as well as to the community at large.

Primary Objectives

  • Provide specialized law enforcement intervention specific to the pursuit and capture of those criminals involved in drug and/or terrorist activities.

  • Provide tactical support to local law enforcement agencies.

  • Pursue and apprehend high risk/violent offenders on warrant status.

  • Respond to citizens' concerns regarding suspected criminal activity in a pro-active and time sensitive manner.

  • Provide tactical intervention to quell unrest/criminal activity within the local detention centers.

The most recently recognized and greatest threat to our citizens comes from organized terrorist activities. This most recent threat, along with the criminal activities that continue to be associated with the drug trade, require us to be vigilant in our pursuit of those who would do our citizens most harm and maintain a level of preparedness adequate to intervene as required. The SERT team will provide the kind of highly trained, specialized law enforcement response necessary to for us to best serve our community.

In addition, as we have historically maintained a tactical team in a state of preparedness to primarily manage unrest within the detention centers, the development of the SERT will allow this specialized training to be utilized not only within the confines of the detention centers but will allow for expansion of services to the citizens of the county and the law enforcement community. The investment into the ongoing specialized training, equipment needs, personnel, etc. of the SERT will now reap a much larger return as our mission and objectives have expanded in response to the needs of the community.

Wyandotte County currently has over 870 outstanding criminal felony warrants. The SERT team will have the training and resources necessary to pursue and apprehend those felons deemed to be “high risk” offenders, reducing public safety risk to the community. In addition, community members may report suspected criminal activity to the Office of the Sheriff. The SERT may be utilized to investigate if, in fact, the alleged crimes are being committed and develop a tactical plan to intervene upon those activities in a proactive and time sensitive manner.

Currently, two of the three cities located with the boundaries of the county, Bonner Springs and Edwardsville, do not have specialized tactical units available via their respective local police departments. The SERT may be utilized by those cities to “fill in the gap” of resources available to those local police departments in the event they have need of a tactical unit.

Community Support & Services


Conducts Basic Detention Officer, civilian staff, and LEO in-service training.

Training Topics

  • Report writing
  • Inter-Personal Communications
  • Facility security
  • OC Spray
  • First Aid / CPR
  • Basic Firearms
  • Self Defense
  • Ethics
  • Developing a 40-hour annual In-Service which maintains the certification of each officer as specified and/or required by the Department and/or the State of Kansas.
  • Scheduling various Specialized Schools for staff members.
  • Ordering, maintaining, and issuing police equipment for recruit officers.
  • Ensure state standards and qualifications are met for each officer.
  • Ensures each officer knows how to handle and qualifies with their assigned weapon(s)
  • To train the officers to serve the public consistently, efficiently, and professionally.
  • Other staff members of the Sheriff’s Office and outside instructors assist the Training Division staff by instructing students and staff.
  • With inter-agency cooperation, classes are often conducted off-site allowing for a large, diverse availability of topics.

Reserve Unit

Information coming soon.

Juvenile Intake & Assessment Center (JIAC)

Provides a centralized point of intake and assessment for juvenile offenders, Child in Need of Care, runaway youth, and youth who have been the victim of physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or are considered abandoned. Children ages birth to 17 are served in JIAC. 

After assessing the child, JIAC will compile and provide parents/ guardians with information and referrals for community organizations who may be able to assist the child in various areas. When necessary for safety concerns, JIAC will locate foster homes/placements for youth placed in Police Protective Custody (PPC). DCF is notified and an investigation begins to determine further actions.

The intake and assessment process is not for criminal investigations or for investigations into abuse and neglect allegations, as those are law enforcement and DCF. The information gathered during the intake process can only be used to help the court with decisions pertaining to the disposition of the youth who cannot be entered into evidence of sed in adjudication hearings. 

Parents/ guardians may contact JIAC directly for further information regarding community resources for their youth.

Phone: (913) 573-2945

Records Unit

Information coming soon.

Offender Registration Unit

Please call (913) 573-4165 or email oru@wycosheriff.org with questions or tips.

Concealed Carry

Information coming soon.