Statement Regarding TB Outbreak in Kansas

Published on January 28, 2025

TB icon showing the outline of a person coughing and the outline of their lungs

On behalf of the Unified Government, we encourage residents to remain calm regarding recent media coverage on tuberculosis (TB) in Kansas. While we are always concerned about the health and well-being of every community member, the Kansas Department of Health Environment (KDHE) assures the public the relative risk to the public is low. KDHE has been leading the response to this outbreak and follows the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) to ensure patients are receiving proper treatment and to prevent additional cases from occurring. 

“We appreciate the hard work of KDHE as they respond to this outbreak and keep our community safe,” said Mayor Tyrone Garner.  

According to the CDC, TB is a disease caused by germs spread person-to-person through the air. This may occur when someone with active TB of the lungs or throat coughs, speaks or sings. Common symptoms of active tuberculosis include cough, chest pain, and coughing up blood. There are blood and skin tests to identify infections and treatments available for those diagnosed with the disease. 

More information about the outbreak can be found on the KDHE website, including more information about identifying symptoms of tuberculosis and treatment. You can also call the KDHE Epidemiology Hotline at 877-427-7317 or email