UG Launches OpenBook Budget Resource Tool
Published on March 17, 2025
The Unified Government is committed to financial transparency. On Thursday, March 13, the Unified Government officially kicked off the first budget workshop for the 2026 budget process. In addition to the outlined workshops, the Budget Department has also launched "OpenBook", a new online budget application with interactive charts and graphs for the public to better understand the City and County budget spending and process.
This one-stop shop is for all financial activities and functions of the government. The OpenBook platform has interactive charts and graphs designed to help you understand how the City and County spend and receives money. To learn more about your government, start exploring the financial data visualizations and explanatory articles.
New data will be added each year following adoption of the budget, giving the public access to the most current department budget information, revenue and expenditure trends.
This resource is a part of our ongoing effort to enhance transparency, share information with the community and promote public engagement in our local government.