We get it - no one likes to pay property taxes, but these taxes pay for fire, police, streets, parks and many other services our residents want and need.
Simply put, the Kansas City, KS mill levy is lower than most first class cities in Kansas. We are currently rank 15 out of 26 in terms of highest rates. The mill levy for Wyandotte County is lower than 90% of 105 counties in the state of Kansas (ranked 95th out of 105). Over the past few years, the mill levy has been reduced by 6 mills.
What is a Mill Levy?
A mill levy is a property tax. It is applied to property based on its assessed value. The rate of the tax is expressed in mills and is equal to one dollar per $1,000 of assessed value. The graphic below is an example of the value of a mill for a residential and commercial property:
How do my individual taxes add up to community benefits?
One of many taxing jurisdictions
The Unified Government does collect taxes on behalf of other jurisdictions within Wyandotte County such as school districts and the Kansas City Kansas Community College which is important to keep in mind when you look at your tax bill.