Services & Programs

Information & Assistance

Are you concerned about an older adult or loved one? The Kansas Aging and Disability Resource Center is here to help Kansas in need. CHAT LIVE with a knowledgeable Call Center Specialist. BUSINESS CARD Call CenterThe Leavenworth and Wyandotte County agency administers programs and services that advocate for and assist older adults in maintaining their independence and dignity through community-based services. The AAA targets services to older adults with the greatest social and economic need and proves a variety of support services for caregivers.

Information and Assistance is the first place to call when you need information on any aging subject. Staff persons are skilled professionals familiar with community resources that can provide information on aging issues and services.

Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)

  • Assessments
  • CARE
  • Information & Referral/Assistance
  • Options Counseling - Making decisions about long term care services can be difficult. An options counselor can help by providing unbiased information that is relevant to the individual’s needs, preferences and goals. This person-centered service supports the individual in making informed choices about their long-term care service options.

    Options Counselor in Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS
    (913) 573-8531

    Options Counselor in Kansas
    1 (855) 200-ADRC (2372)

Caregiver Program

More than 15 million adults serve as caregivers to frail, disabled relatives and/or minor children. Everyday families make tremendous sacrifices to provide the care and support needed by their older relatives.

Services that you might find helpful include:

  • Information
  • Assistance
  • Counseling/Support Groups/Training
  • Respite
  • Attendant and /or Personal Care
  • Homemaker
  • Grandparents or Relative Caregivers Services

Eligibility (at least one must apply)

  • An adult family member or other individual who is an informal provider of in-home services to an older adult, sixty years of age or older.

  • Grandparent, age fifty-five or older caring for a child younger than nineteen, lives with the child and acts as the primary caregiver because the biological or adoptive parents are unable or unwilling to care for the child.

  • A grandparent or relative by blood or marriage who is age fifty-five or older providing care for an adult age nineteen to fifty-nine, that has a disability. The caregiver cannot be the parent of the adult with a disability.

Caregivers may receive Respite, Homemaker/Attendant Care, Adult Day Care or Grandparent support services through this program.

Case Management

Case Management is designed to help meet the multiple needs of Wyandotte/Leavenworth County residents who are at least sixty years old. The program can address a single issue or situations requiring coordination of many services to meet several needs.

Client Assessment & Referral Evaluation (CARE)

The CARE Assessment was developed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to evaluate a person’s health and functional abilities. The purpose of CARE is to help persons find appropriate long-term care services and to collect data on the need for home and community-based services. The assessment is a personal interview with you (and your family or other caregivers such as a guardian/conservator when appropriate).

Anyone seeking nursing home care must be assessed by the CARE program before they can enter the nursing home. If you or a loved one are considering a move to a nursing facility, please contact our office at (913) 573-8531.

Dental Services

Although this service is limited, it enhances the quality of life for seniors by providing dental services to those with limited income. Inquiries are made to the Area Agency on Aging at (913) 573-8531.

Exercise-Enhanced Fitness

Enhance Fitness is a free, evidence-based group exercise program geared toward arthritis relief. The program is dedicated to improving the quality of life for seniors sixty and over in Wyandotte County. Older adults sixty and older at all levels of fitness will become active, energized and empowered to sustain independent lives. Contact the Area Agency on Aging at (913) 573-8531 or for a class schedule.

Hearing Aid Program

The Hearing Aid Program enhances the quality of life for seniors in Wyandotte County by evaluating and providing hearing aids to hearing impaired older adults on a limited income. Call (913) 596-5143 for more information.

Home & Community Base Services (HCBS)

Home and Community Bases Services (HCBS) provides Community-Based Supports & Services(PDF, 359KB) for persons in Kansas with disabilities. Although there are many waivers under the Kansas Department for Aging & Disability Services; the Wyandotte/Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging only provides new and annual assessments for the following:

Frail Elderly (FE) Waivered Program

The Home and Community Based Services Frail Elderly (FE) program provides an option for Kansas seniors who receive Medicaid and qualify functionally to receive community-based services as an alternative to nursing home care.

Physically Disabled (PD) Waivered Program

The Physically Disabled Program serves individuals aged sixteen to sixty-five years who meet the criteria for nursing facility placement due to their physical disability, who are determined disabled by social security standards and who are Medicaid eligible.

Brain Injury (BI) Waivered Program

The Brain Injury program is for individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury and provides the services needed to ensure those individuals are able to be as safe and independent as possible in their homes. The BI program serves individuals sixteen to sixty-five years of age who would otherwise require institutionalization in a BI Rehabilitation Facility.

Note: The BI Program is not considered a long-term care program and is designed to be a rehabilitative program for consumers to receive therapies and services that enable them to rely less on supports as the consumer's independence increases.

HCBS Checklist

If you are a new customer applying for HCBS under Kansas Medicaid/KanCare, the following checklist will assist you through this process. EACH STEP IS REQUIRED.

Step 1

  • Call 1 (800) 792-4292 and complete the KanCare Application with the KanCare Clearinghouse.

Step 2

  • Contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) to request Functional Assessment.

  • ADRC will complete FAI within five business days from your date of request.

  • Obtain Level of Care score outcome from the ADRC.

Step 3

  • Your Managed Care Organization (MCO) will contact you to set-up services once Steps 1 & 2 are completed.

If you are experiencing delays with Step 3, please contact your MCO directly.

Helpful Contacts

Aetna Better Health of Kansas
1 (855) 221-5656

Sunflower Health Plan
1 (877) 644-4623

United Healthcare
1 (877) 542-9238

Kansas Department for Aging & Disability Services
1 (785) 368-6246

KanCare Ombudsman
1 (855) 643-8180

In-Home Services

Recipients of these programs must be sixty years of age or older. Examples of in-home services include:

  • Bathing
  • Feeding
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Meal preparation
  • Personal Emergency Response System
  • Respite Care
  • Toileting

Does your home health agency provide Homemaker and Attendant Care Services (In-Home Services)? If so, please consider becoming a Unified Government Home Health Agency for the Wyandottte/Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging and help us serve our local seniors. Learn more about Next Request for Proposal for In-Home Services.

Kansas Medicaid (KanCare)

KanCare is the program through which the State of Kansas administers Medicaid. KanCare (Kansas Medicaid) can be obtained by completing the KanCare Application or call 1 (800) 792-4884 to request a paper application.

Each Medicaid consumer is assigned to one of the KanCare health plans. Consumers in KanCare receive all the same services provided under the previous Medicaid delivery system, plus additional services.

Consumers have the option during open enrollment season once per year to change to a different KanCare health plan if they prefer to do so. Open enrollment season corresponds with the anniversary month of enrollment in the program.

Legal Services

Kansas Legal Service for Older Adults is project of Kansas Legal Services, Inc. and is funded by the Older Americans Act. Due to limited resources, there is a prioritization of need and Kansas Legal Services for Older Adults is not able to offer assistance in every type of case.

The project provides the following services: Guardians/Conservators, Simple Wills, Division of Assets, Patient’s Rights, Power of Attorney, Living Wills and Consumer Advocacy.

Call (913) 573-8531 to schedule a visit with Kansas Legal Services for Older Adults.

Medical Alert Devices

Medical Alert Systems are a vital tool that provide seniors 24-hour care without the need for hired help or constant attention from family members. These systems will alert a relative or professional urgent care services if there has been an accident in the home. Typically, these devices come equipped with buttons or wearable devices that, when pushed will alert for medical assistance If you fall or need any kind of help. Contact the Area Agency on Aging at (913) 573-8531 for more information.

Mill Levy Funded Program

Mill Levy funding maintains several programs for older adults residing in Wyandotte County. To qualify for a Mill Levy Funded Program, you must be sixty years of age or older and live in Wyandotte County.

Medical Alert

Philips Lifeline
Betty Ewell
(913) 573-8531

Hearing Aid

Providence Medical Center
Eric Hyde
(913) 596-5143

Senior Centers

Vernon Multi-Purpose Center
Bernadette Walker-Harris
(913) 321-1220

Bonner Springs Senior Center
Gloria Ochoa
(913) 441-0169


Information coming soon.

Dental Services

Dr. William Hartman & Assoc.
(Prior Authorization is required)
Betty Ewell
(913) 573-8531


See current and archived newsletters for information!

Nutrition Programs

Meals on Wheels

How Does Meals on Wheels Work?

Meals on WheelsThe Meals on Wheels program is designed to improve and maintain the health of seniors. The meals meet one third of the recommended daily allowance for adults and have no added salt.

Participants have a choice of either hot or frozen meals. Hot meals are delivered once a day Monday through Friday. Frozen meal participants receive one box of five frozen meals, delivered once per week.

Monthly Menu

February(PDF, 62KB)
March(PDF, 46KB)
April(PDF, 101KB)


Meals are provided to seniors sixty years of age and older who are temporarily or permanently home bound due to physical or mental impairment. Seniors that are not home bound are encouraged to participate at one of the nutrition sites.

Application Process

A person in need of Meals on Wheels must complete a home delivered meal application. We encourage applicants to have their application signed by their medical doctor. Upon receipt of a completed application, nutrition staff will schedule a home visit for assessment. This assessment will be completed, and meals will be started within ten working days.

Home Delivered Meal Application

Cancelling Meals

If it becomes necessary to cancel a scheduled meal that you call the nutrition office or dispatch by noon the day before the scheduled delivery.

Donations Encouraged

Our Nutrition Program is funded by the Older Americans Act, State funds, Mill Levy dollars and client contributions. The meal program does rely on donations to continue serving meals to new and current participants.

Donate to Meals on Wheels

C.H.A.M.P.S.S. Program

Choosing Healthy Appetizing Meal Plan Solutions for Seniors (CHAMPSS) is a meal program administered by the Wyandotte/Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging with funding supported by the Older Americans Act.

The CHAMPSS program operates as a senior dine meal plan, whereas seniors sixty and older can enjoy a nutritious meal daily. Seniors have the option to “Grab & Go” or “Dine-in” their meals at either HY-VEE in Mission or the Legends IHOP location.

This meal program does rely on donations of $3.50 per meal. If you are interested in joining the program, please contact the Area Agency on aging office at (913) 573-8531 for more information.

Current CHAMPSS clients can review their card balance by clicking the link below, then following the instructions.

Check My Card Balance

Nutrition Sites

Choosing Healthy Appetizing Meal Plan Solutions for Seniors (CHAMPSS) is a meal program administered by the Wyandotte/Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging with funding supported by the Older Americans Act.

Congregate Meals (8 sites)

Bethel Neighborhood Center

14 South 7th Street, Kansas City, KS 66101
Serving Time: 10:45 AM

Plaza Towers

1200 North 75th Place, Kansas City, KS 66112
Serving Time: 11:30 AM

Rosedale Towers

2314 West 39th Street, Kansas City, KS 66103
Serving Time: 11:00 AM

Strangers Rest Baptist Church

2052 North 5th Street, Kansas City, KS 66101
Serving Time: 11:30 AM

Vaughndale High Rise

420 North Park, Bonner Springs, KS 66012
Serving Time: 11:00 AM

Vernon Center

3336 North 27th Street, Kansas City, KS 66104
Serving Time: 11:00 AM

Victory Hills Baptist Church

2010 North 66th Terrace, Kansas City, KS 66104
Serving Time: 10:30 AM

Westgate Towers

6100 Leavenworth Rd, Kansas City, KS 66104
Serving Time: 11:15 AM

Options Counseling

Making decisions about long term care services can be difficult. An options counselor can help by providing unbiased information that is relevant to the individual’s needs, preferences and goals. This person-centered service supports the individual in making informed choices about their long-term care service options.

Options Counselor in Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS
(913) 573-8531

Options Counselor in Kansas
1 (855) 200-ADRC (2372)

Senior Centers

Senior Centers are gathering places for seniors who provide a variety of social, recreational, and educational opportunities. Their purpose is to enhance seniors’ well-being and independence and encourage involvement in the community. They are a good place to receive information about senior adult services and enjoy a variety of activities with friends and neighbors.

Recognized by the Older Americans Act (OAA) as a community focal point, senior centers have become one of the most widely used services among older adults.

The Area Agency on Aging provides support to two senior centers in Wyandotte County.

Bonner Springs Senior Center

200 East 3rd Street
Bonner Springs, KS 66012

(913) 441-0169

Vernon Senior Center

3436 North 27th Street
Kansas City, KS 66104

(913) 321-1220

Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK)

A free program offering Kansans an opportunity to talk with trained, community volunteers and get answers to questions about Medicare and other insurance issues.

Medicare Assistance

Call (913) 573-8531 if you are interested in becoming a volunteer SHICK counselor.


Information coming soon!