Don’t forget that lead may be a health hazard on the job. People working as painters, remodelers, auto repair workers, plumbers, and battery factory workers can be exposed to lead on the job. Follow these safety rules to help protect you and your family.
- Wear protective equipment and clothing on the job.
- Change your clothes, shower, and wash your hair before leaving the job.
- Do not shake out these work clothes or wash them with other clothing. Clean washable work clothing separately from other clothes. Run the rinse cycle once before using the washer again.
- Do not eat, drink, or smoke in an area where lead is used.
The best way to prevent lead poisoning among young children is to remove the lead source. If you cannot remove peeling or chipping lead-based paint immediately, block the area with a heavy chair so a child cannot get to it. You can also shut the door to a room or move a crib or bed away from the wall. Remove the lead source promptly and safely. If you own your home and have a child in the home six years and under, call the Wyandotte County Public Health Department at (913) 573-5848 and ask about the kNOw Lead KCK Program.
Protect your child from lead dust by wet washing the floors and wiping down your windowsills, woodwork, chairs, and tables often. Be sure to wash your child's hands, face, and toys often with soap and water.