Change of Zone: It may be necessary or advisable from time to time to amend the designated zoning district of a particular property, either to match the use of the property to the zoning district or to better accommodate a proposed development. For most single lots, a conventional rezoning will suffice; For developments on multiple lots, or most non-residential lots, a Planned District shall be used, which will require a Preliminary/Final Plan Review, for the purpose of providing design flexibility not available through standard procedures.
Preliminary and/or Final Plan Review: A development plan may be required as part of another application or approval process to ensure that the proposed development conforms to Unified Government regulations and incorporates a compatible arrangement of buildings, parking, lighting, signage, landscaping, circulation, drainage, open spaces, and the other elements of a site development.
Special Use Permit: The Special Use Permit process reviews uses and situations with characteristics that may not blend or harmonize with the uses in the standard zoning districts. The intent is to ensure the use not injure neighboring property or the welfare of the community. This includes uses such as Short-Term Rentals, Drinking Establishments, Auto-Repair Shops, Used Car Dealerships, as well as certain home occupations. For a comprehensive list, refer to Section 27-593 of the Unified Government Code of Ordinances, found here.
Plats and Lot-Splits: The Subdivision process is to provide for the orderly and efficient development of land by ensuring that development is safe, considers the natural terrain, is designed to provide safe and efficient access, assurance of adequate open space, and that adequate sites are provided for amenities. For our full subdivision regulations, please refer to Chapter 27, Article 7 of the Unified Government Code of Ordinances, linked here.
Vacations: The vacation process is for the vacation of any street, alleyway, easement, or other public right-of-way. Vacations are approved by Staff, the City Planning Commission, and the Board of Commissioners.