Long Range Plans
Long-range planning seeks to develop a unified vision of a community’s future and then identify strategies to reach that vision. Long-range plans typically have a planning horizon of 25-50 years and an implementation or action plan for the first 10 years.
Below is a list of long range plans developed for the many unique communities in Kansas City, Kansas and the broader Wyandotte County community. The plans are a collaboration between residents, businesses, Unified Government departments, community organizations, and other stakeholders that seek to improve the quality of life in Wyandotte County.
Comprehensive Plans (Citywide and Countywide)
In 2023, the Department of Planning + Urban Design adopted PlanKCK, an update of the 2008 Citywide Master Plan. This plan occurs parallel to three other large planning efforts - the Citywide Historic Preservation Plan, Economic Development Strategic Plan, and Housing Strategy. Each of these projects serve as chapters of PlanKCK. Other topics covered in this plan include: regional identity, arts and culture, open space preservation, and resiliency. For more information, visit the project website: www.wycokck.org/plankck
Read(PDF, 165MB) PlanKCK(PDF, 165MB) (Versión en Español(PDF, 164MB) )
Economic Development Strategic Plan(PDF, 55MB)
Citywide Historic Preservation Plan(PDF, 198MB)
Plan de Conservacion Historica a Nivel Municipal(PDF, 161MB)
goDotte (English)(PDF, 75MB)
goDotte (Version Espanol)(PDF, 79MB)
Area Plans
The Unified Government has developed the Area Plans listed below to define a strategy related to existing assets, potential opportunities, and overarching goals. Area Plans recognize and value the character of individual neighborhoods to determine how they support the larger comprehensive vision.
- Armourdale Area Plan - English & Espanol(PDF, 20MB) (Adopted October 29, 2021)
- Central Area Plan(PDF, 47MB) (Adopted October 28, 2020) (English)
- Central Area Plan(PDF, 101MB) (Adopted October 28, 2020) (Espanol)
- Downtown Area Plan(PDF, 12MB) (Adopted June 7, 2007)
- Northeast Area Plan(PDF, 88MB) (Adopted November 29, 2018)
- Prairie-Delaware-Piper Area Plan 2004(PDF, 5MB) (Adopted February 26, 2004)
- Rosedale Area Plan(PDF, 45MB) (Adopted December 1, 2016)
Focused Plans
Focused Plans, such as neighborhood or corridor plans, are the most geographically specific level of the planning process. If a Comprehensive Plan sets a vision into the future, and an area plan identifies specific projects and programs to work toward that future, then a focused plan expands on certain, often complicated projects in order to move them closer to implementation. For instance, the Northeast Area Master Plan identified a trail system to support mobility and storytelling, and the recently adopted NE KCK Heritage Trail Plan identifies a path towards its implementation.
Corridor Plans
The plans below involved significant community involvement that seeks to improve the quality of life of neighborhoods and its residents in Wyandotte County. However, they have not been submitted to the Unified Government for official adoption. Select a link below for additional plans and information.
Quality of Life Plans
These plans were produced through grants and with the direction of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC).
For more information about LISC, please visit their website at https://www.lisc.org/kansas-city/.
Past Plans
The Unified Government is always updating our vision for Wyandotte County. With the development of new plans, old plans can become obsolete. See the past plans for Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas below.
- 1989 Overall Land Use Plan(PDF, 178KB) (Adopted 1989)
- Armourdale Area Plan 1979(PDF, 2MB) (Adopted 1979)
- Rosedale Area Plan 2005(PDF, 4MB) (Adopted May 2005)
- MARC State Avenue Corridor Plan(PDF, 7MB) (Adopted July 2013)
- K-32 Tri-City Multi-modal Redevelopment Plan(PDF, 106MB)
- Southwest Boulevard/Merriam Lane Corridor Plan(PDF, 9MB) (Adopted September 29, 2011)
- 39th Street Corridor Plan(PDF, 3MB) (Adopted April 2003)
- 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan(PDF, 41MB) (Adopted February 2000)
- 91st Street Corridor Plan(PDF, 692KB) (Adopted November 23, 2004)
- Sidewalk and Trails Comprehensive Plan(PDF, 91MB) (Adopted in 2012) (To be replaced by the goDotte County-Wide Mobility Plan)
- 2008 Citywide Master Plan(PDF, 4MB)
Please direct any questions or comments to Alyssa Marcy, Long Range Planner, at amarcy@wycokck.org.