2023 Redevelopment RFQ/RFP


Three Unified Government-owned sites were selected for an RFQ/RFP process. Currently, two sites are moving through the RFP process. The RFP for 4th/Minnesota closed on February 20, 2024. The RFP for Indian Springs was released February 23, 2024. The RFPs were informed by existing policy, relevant long range plans, and the public outreach summarized below.


NEXT STEPS: 4th/Minnesota

The selected proposal for the 4th/Minnesota site was presented at the April 29, 2024 Economic Development and Finance Standing Committee. View the presentation here(PDF, 8MB).


Indian Springs Site Engagement Summary

On February 7, 2024 the UG and Development Strategies hosted an Open House at the former Indian Springs Mall Site.


On October 27, 2024, the UG and Development Strategies hosted an event at The Merc Co-op to discuss potential development types and amenities for this location.

about the sites:

Former Indian Springs Mall

The site of the former Indian Springs Mall at 47th and State Avenue is the largest site with great regional connectivity.


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), Hazardous Materials Survey, and Phase II ESA were performed on the site in 2012/2013. These documents are located here. An updated Phase I ESA(PDF, 67MB)  was completed in Spring 2024 and the Phase II ESA is expected to be finalized by November 2024.


4th and Minnesota Avenue

The Triangle Parcel is located at 4th and Minnesota with some extraordinary views.


A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was finalized in March 2023 and is available through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's Identified Sites List.

Previous RfQ/RFP Webinars

A preliminary webinar was held on February 28, 2023 to announce the sites and request feedback from interested parties. You can also view the attendee list(DOCX, 93KB) and view this article for links to the presentation. 

On March 23, 2023, the UG hosted a webinar to release the RFQs for Lead Developers and Sub-Contractors/Sub-Contractor teams. View the attendee list(DOCX, 92KB) and presentation(PDF, 2MB).

The RFP pre-bid conference for 4th/Minnesota was held on December 13, 2023. View the recording here.

The RFP pre-bid conference for Indian Springs was held on February 21, 2024. View the recording here.


Frequently Asked Questions

We have reviewed the RFP document and do not find any typical due diligence information – survey, topographical survey, plat, environmental reports, geotechnical information, etc...

Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) were completed in 2012/2013 prior to the former Indian Springs mall’s demolition, which can be downloaded at the links provided in the "About the Sites" section above. Updated Phase I and Phase II ESAs are currently underway and will be provided on the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas’ (UG) redevelopment website when available. UG’s DotMaps platform contains parcel details and other geographical information at the link below. The Geospatial Services Division of the UG maintains other data sets such as demographic, geographical, and transportation information that can be downloaded at the link below. All of this information is the currently best available to the UG, but we recognize that other proprietary and/or governmental data may be available and should be pursued as each respondent deems necessary.

How many applicants do you anticipate?

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas, City KS (UG) has not set a cap on the number of applicants. Approximately 90 interested parties have expressed interest in the sites.


What level of community engagement is required for this process?

The UG encourages meaningful and comprehensive engagement with residents, relevant Neighborhood Revitalizations Groups (NBRs), and other stakeholder groups. Specific community engagement requirements have not yet been determined but will be included in the RFP application. It is anticipated that this will be a collaborative, community-driven and defined project scope.


What type of market studies will occur as part of this process?

The UG hired a consultant, Development Strategies, to assist with the RFQ process. The consultant will perform market analyses for each of the three sites to evaluate previous and existing development and potential development scenarios and impacts.  This analysis will evaluate market trends to understand the potential scale, scope and character of viable development along with the potential to supply unmet demand from different consumer groups, residents and employers.  


Who will be the UG decision makers vetting RFQ/RFP submittals?

The County Administrative Officer (CAO) has established a Selection Committee of UG Staff to review, interview, if need be, and select qualified Lead Developers and Sub-Contractors/Sub-Contractor teams for the RFQ and qualified teams for each site-specific RFP.  


Does the UG have a Transit Oriented Development Policy to help guide proposers?

No, the UG does not have an official Transit Oriented Development (TOD) policy other than the multiple area and corridor plans that encourage TOD; however, through our recently adopted goDotte Countywide Mobility Strategy, the UG is working to align land use with transportation and recommends that potential applicants review this strategy, as well as any other relevant long-range plans. It is anticipated that future development must comply with the UG’s design guidelines, which includes TOD best practices.


Will the RFP be geared towards developers only? Additionally, should the application include a design team, consultant, etc.?

There will be two concurrent RFQ processes.  The Lead Developer RFQ process will review and select qualified developers who will lead the redevelopment of the three (3) sites.  The Sub-Contractor/Sub-Contractor teams RFQ process will review and select qualified Sub-Contractors who will be available to support the Lead Developer in various aspects of the development process.  Upon conclusion of the two RFQ processes, the chosen Sub-Contractor shortlist will be made available to the developers permitted to submit proposals during the subsequent RFP for the three (3) sites.  These RFP proposal evaluation processes will be scored in such a way to give additional weight to those Lead Developers that include pre-qualified Sub-Contractors on the project team.


Are there local/state/federal dollars and programs available the development costs? Further, will the city consider providing any bond financing?

Upon each development team’s request, a development agreement may be pursued to leverage existing, appropriate incentives available from the UG. Additionally, the UG is seeking local/state/federal grants that may align with and benefit all three sites.

As an example, the UG is a partner in a multi-million bi-state corridor planning effort along State Avenue that could result in significant transit and other infrastructure improvements at both the Downtown KCK and Indian Springs Mall sites.

Additional information regarding available UG incentive programs can be found at: https://www.wycokck.org/Departments/Economic-Development/Incentives


How can applicants access the RFQ/RFP documents?

The Lead Developer and Sub-Contractor RFQs that were released at 12pm on March 23, 2023, and again on August 17, 2023, can be accessed here.


Will there be MBE / WBE goals or LBE Requirements?

The UG does not currently have an existing DBE program, but encourages DBE participation. An example of equitable development scorecards can be found in the Northeast KCK Heritage Trail Plan.


Will the RFP address stormwater management, soil quality, heat island effects, and environmental remediation?

The RFQ/RFP process seeks to develop catalytic demonstration projects that follow all existing codes and ordinances, meet industry best practices, and redefine community development in Wyandotte County. Brownfield grants are a potential funding mechanism for any site that needs remediation. 4th/Minnesota and Indian Springs are currently undergoing brownfields assessments.


What specific qualifications or certifications are required of applicants?

Details regarding qualifications will be provided upon the release of the RFQ.


Who is driving the development preferences for these sites? Will there be more than these three sites?

Specified development uses for these sites, if applicable, are guided primarily by community feedback codified in long range plans. Currently, the only sites available through this RFQ/RFP process are the two sites listed above.


Will all the submitted applications be made publicly available?

Submitted applications will become publicly available following the selection process, upon request. 


Will there be requirements regarding anti-gentrification?

The RFQ/RFP process will address the need to be intentional about preventing and/or mitigating any negative displacement impacts on existing residents or businesses.


Will there be expectations for building sincere relationships with indigenous peoples and African American communities that have called this area home for centuries?

As the spirit of this initiative is to be a community-driven development process, the RFQ/RFP process will include a public engagement scope of work for all three redevelopment sites.


Will there be a clear understanding of the grading criteria during the RFQ period? Will there be one evaluation committee for all three sites, or one for each site and what representatives or groups will be on your evaluation committee (s)? What is the early thinking about selection criteria (financial resources of developer, team makeup, engagement plan, relevant projects, DBE/LBE) and how they will be weighted?

Details regarding grading and selection criteria will be provided upon the release of the Lead Developer RFQ and the Sub Consultant RFQ, respectively.  Additional details regarding the evaluation criteria for the three site-specific RFPs will be included upon their release. The CAO will establish a Selection Committee of UG Staff to review, interview, if need be, and select qualified developers for the Lead Developer RFQ and qualified consultants for the Sub-Contractor RFQ.  Subsequent to the RFQ processes, a Selection Committee will commerce to select qualified teams for each site-specific RFP.


Will the UG provide market studies to confirm market demand together with a list of those incentives the UG would consider using, depending upon the project?

The UG hired a consultant, Development Strategies, to assist with the RFQ process. The consultant performed a market analysis(PDF, 5MB) to evaluate previous and existing development and potential development scenarios and impacts. This analysis evaluates market trends to understand the potential scale, scope, and character of viable development, along with the potential to supply unmet demand from different consumer groups, residents and employers. The UG will work with its consultant to include various incentives, ongoing projects, and other relevant materials to support the successful development of each site.

Does the Indian Springs site allow for re-opening the land for the stream/springs, and for stream restoration?

The UG encourages all teams to think creatively about the urban design and neighborhood character of each site. Ecological restoration is supported at all sites. 


Why is the preferred development at the 18th and Quindaro site a grocery store? Has any grocery chain expressed interest in the site? How is this preferred development type factored into the evaluation of proposals for that site?

Mayor/CEO Garner has requested that a grocery store be the preferred development at the 18th and Quindaro site location. However, no lead developers submitted for this site during the RFQ process, and development of this site will not continue at this time.


Has environmental due diligence (i.e., Phase I/II ESAs) been completed for these properties? Can you tell me if environmental due diligence/remediation would be considered one of the sub-consultant issues considered for these redevelopment projects?

The Unified Government recommends that each team be prepared to complete all necessary environmental studies and other required due diligence, including possible remediation pending the final assessment results. 4th/Minnesota and Indian Springs are undergoing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA). The Phase I for 4th/Minnesota was finalized March 2024 and is available through Kansas Department of Health and Environment's Identified Sites List. The Bi-State Brownfields program may offer resources and/or potential brownfield loans or grants for Phase I/II ESAs. Developers are encouraged to contact Brownfields Coordinator Alyssa Marcy, amarcy@wycokck.org, to discuss funding options for environmental remediation.


In the RFQ, there is mention of the Indian Springs Mall and the Triangle Sites being used for government office buildings. Is KCK interested in consolidating their government buildings? If so, how many employees would be relocated and how much land/approximate square footage would that consolidation entail?

Only the Indian Springs Mall site is contemplated as potentially housing some UG offices in the future. At this time, it is unknown how many employees could be relocated or what their overall square footage needs would entail. We ask that the respondent(s) only describe their overall vision for one or all of the three different project sites.

Does the UG have existing plans or public comments related to the three UG owned sites that can be used as a reference to potential redevelopment plans?

Over the past 15 years the UG has published documents relating to the potential for redevelopment of each of the UG owned sites. Links to each of these documents can be found in the Introductory section of the Lead Developer RFQ.




For questions about the application process, please contact Ms. Teresa Houchins, UG Purchasing Department Buyer at thouchins@wycokck.org and/or (913)573-5244.

For general questions, contact Economic Development: edevelopment@wycokck.org